Supported LSTs

PrimeETH is designed to support the minting of high-quality Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs) to ensure its value growth and security, reinforcing its position in the DeFi ecosystem. At launch, the supported LSTs for minting primeETH are:

  • Origin Ether (OETH)

  • Lido Staked Ether (stETH)

  • Staked Frax Ether (sfrxETH)

  • Mantle Staked Ether (mETH)

  • Stader ETHx (ETHx)

  • Swell Staked Ether (swETH)

  • Rocket Pool Ether (rETH)

These selections are based on the team's expertise, their track record in managing significant DeFi capital, and the LST's prior integrations in DeFi as we're aiming to maximize primeETH's potential for long-term success. To ensure accurate valuation and prevent price manipulation, primeETH uses oracles for pricing each underlying asset, maintaining its price stability.

Support for additional EigenLayer assets will be added soon.

Last updated